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jmdict 1277080 Active (id: 2133443)
<trans_det>to turn toward</trans_det>
<trans_det>to look (up, down, etc.)</trans_det>
<trans_det>to face (e.g. east) (of a building, window, etc.)</trans_det>
<trans_det>to look out on</trans_det>
<trans_det>to front (on)</trans_det>
<trans_det>to point (of an arrow, compass needle, etc.)</trans_det>
<trans_det>to be suited to</trans_det>
<trans_det>to be fit for</trans_det>
<trans_det>to go towards</trans_det>
<trans_det>to turn to (of one's interests, feelings, etc.)</trans_det>
<trans_det>to be inclined (to do)</trans_det>

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