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jmdict 1457730 Active (id: 2211768)
1457730 jmdict A [id=2211768]
  inside; within
  while (e.g. one is young); during; within (e.g. a day); in the course of
  [note="as 〜のうち"]
  among; amongst; (out) of; between
  [note="also 裡, 裏; as 〜のうちに after a noun representing a state or condition"]
  in (secret, chaos, poverty, etc.); amidst; with (e.g. success)
  within oneself; one's feelings; inner thoughts
  we; our company; our organization
  [note="also 家"]
  one's home; one's family
  my spouse; my husband; my wife
  [note="in a letter after the husband's name"]
  signed on behalf of (husband's name) by his wife
  [note="primarily used by women and children"]
  I; me
  imperial palace grounds

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