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Re: [edict-jmdict] Need for a timestamped meta-entry

On Mon, 23 Sep. 2019, 5:35 am noantwo@********* [edict-jmdict], <edict-jmdict@***************> wrote:

[1]: One app I'm using, Takoboto, has 「お中元」 as "Bon Festival gifts" (http://takoboto.jp/?w=1270540), while currently it's glossed as "mid-year gift; summer gift​" (http://www.edrdg.org/jmdictdb/cgi-bin/entr.py?svc=jmdict&sid=&q=1270540.1). This means that the dictionary that Takoboto is using hasn't been updated since at least 2016. That's 3+ years of updates users aren't aware they're missing!

As it happens, Takoboto-san emailed me recently about tracking deleted entries. I'll pass on your comments.
