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Re: [edict-jmdict] Re: Counters: "counter for ..." glosses

Again, I think this is a design issue for the individual dictionary applications to deal with. Nobody is forcing anybody to just copy and paste the "ctr" code without any explanation. Jisho.org for example types out "Counter" above its 畳・じょう entry. if they wanted to go further, they could add explanations of what exactly a "counter" is in Japanese grammer on mouse-over, for example. 

On Mon, Mar 4, 2019 at 7:19 PM eiennohito@********* [edict-jmdict] <edict-jmdict@***************> wrote:

I would like to point out that a gloss like "letter, note, or similar object" will be confusing for people who don't read/understand POS tags. Because 通 is not a (noun) "letter", however your gloss can make it seem the case.