JMdictDB - Japanese Dictionary DatabaseEntriesSearch | Advanced Search | New Entry | Submissions | Help |
1. |
▶ chattering ▶ talk ▶ idle talk ▶ chat ▶ chitchat ▶ gossip |
2. |
▶ chatty ▶ talkative ▶ chatterbox ▶ blabbermouth |
9. | A 2023-06-02 23:01:24 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
8. | A* 2023-06-02 22:17:22 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | お喋り 615,871 14.2% 御喋り 1,565 0.0% おしゃべり 3,726,193 85.8% |
Comments: | We now use sK for rare 御- forms. I don't think the x-ref is needed. |
Diff: | @@ -9,0 +10 @@ +<ke_inf>&sK;</ke_inf> @@ -19 +19,0 @@ -<xref type="see" seq="1427510">しゃべる</xref> |
7. | A 2021-11-05 23:17:29 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | meikyo |
Diff: | @@ -17,0 +18 @@ +<pos>&vt;</pos> |
6. | A 2020-07-10 22:40:39 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
5. | A* 2020-07-10 12:38:09 Frazer Robinson <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -17,0 +18 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="1427510">しゃべる</xref> |
(show/hide 4 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ H ▶ h |
2. |
(エッチ,H only)
《from 変態》 ▶ indecent ▶ lewd ▶ sexy ▶ dirty ▶ obscene
3. |
(エッチ,H only)
▶ (having) sex
4. |
▶ nth year in the Heisei era (1989.1.8-2019.4.30)
5. |
▶ hour |
6. |
(H only)
▶ hydrogen (H) |
7. |
▶ hole
32. | A 2023-06-04 00:00:52 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | We don't use abbr for alphabet abbreviations. |
Diff: | @@ -64,2 +64,3 @@ -<misc>&abbr;</misc> -<gloss>hole (on a golf course)</gloss> +<xref type="see" seq="2841290">ホール・2</xref> +<field>&golf;</field> +<gloss>hole</gloss> |
31. | A* 2023-06-03 09:16:11 | |
Diff: | @@ -65 +65 @@ -<gloss>hole (golf course)</gloss> +<gloss>hole (on a golf course)</gloss> |
30. | A 2023-06-03 00:29:14 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | |
Diff: | @@ -64 +64,2 @@ -<gloss>hole</gloss> +<misc>&abbr;</misc> +<gloss>hole (golf course)</gloss> |
29. | A* 2023-06-02 23:41:10 | |
Comments: | Saw on sign ゴルフガーデン ミニコース 9H |
Diff: | @@ -61,0 +62,4 @@ +<sense> +<pos>&n;</pos> +<gloss>hole</gloss> +</sense> |
28. | A 2022-07-23 23:51:29 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
(show/hide 27 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ singing one's own praises ▶ praising one's own wares |
7. | A 2023-06-02 02:26:54 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 自画自賛 256139 94.8% 自画自讃 3443 1.3% 自我自賛 10619 3.9% |
Diff: | @@ -15 +15 @@ -<ke_inf>&iK;</ke_inf> +<ke_inf>&sK;</ke_inf> |
6. | A* 2023-06-02 00:12:08 Stephen Kraus <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 自画自讃 3,443 1.3% |
Diff: | @@ -10,0 +11 @@ +<ke_inf>&rK;</ke_inf> |
5. | A 2023-02-23 11:01:44 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 自画自讚 0 <- not in my refs 自画自讃 3,443 <- koj, smk |
Comments: | Too common for sK. Replacing 自画自讚 with 自画自讃. |
Diff: | @@ -10 +10 @@ -<keb>自画自讚</keb> +<keb>自画自讃</keb> @@ -14 +14 @@ -<ke_inf>&sK;</ke_inf> +<ke_inf>&iK;</ke_inf> @@ -25 +24,0 @@ -<pos>&adj-no;</pos> |
4. | A* 2023-02-23 04:40:02 dine | |
Refs: | 自画自賛 256139 96.0% 自我自賛 10619 4.0%自画自賛-517268 daijs: 「自我自賛」と書くのは誤り。 |
Diff: | @@ -10,0 +11,4 @@ +</k_ele> +<k_ele> +<keb>自我自賛</keb> +<ke_inf>&sK;</ke_inf> |
3. | A 2022-01-22 01:32:33 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Correct POS order -*- via -*- |
Diff: | @@ -19,0 +20 @@ +<pos>&vt;</pos> @@ -21 +21,0 @@ -<pos>&vt;</pos> |
(show/hide 2 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ subject ▶ national ▶ citizen |
2. | A 2023-06-02 05:19:57 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
1. | A* 2023-06-02 04:23:44 Stephen Kraus <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | meikyo and sankoku have (文) tags |
Diff: | @@ -11,0 +12 @@ +<misc>&form;</misc> @@ -13,0 +15 @@ +<gloss>citizen</gloss> |
1. |
▶ to talk ▶ to chat ▶ to chatter
5. | A 2023-06-02 22:04:46 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
4. | A* 2023-06-02 05:55:25 Stephen Kraus <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | sankoku, iwakoku, and obunsha say (自他) |
Diff: | @@ -14,0 +15 @@ +<pos>&vi;</pos> |
3. | A* 2023-06-02 03:36:08 | |
Comments: | shinmeikai |
Diff: | @@ -15 +14,0 @@ -<pos>&vi;</pos> |
2. | A 2023-06-02 02:16:46 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | GG5 examples. |
Comments: | I can see cases of both. |
Diff: | @@ -14,0 +15 @@ +<pos>&vi;</pos> |
1. | A* 2023-06-01 13:20:10 | |
Refs: | 明鏡国語辞典 |
Diff: | @@ -14 +14 @@ -<pos>&vi;</pos> +<pos>&vt;</pos> |
1. |
▶ pinworm (Enterobius vermicularis) ▶ threadworm |
4. | A 2023-06-02 12:12:41 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
3. | A* 2023-06-02 10:44:18 | |
Refs: | ぎょうちゅう 2775 6.1% ぎょう虫 29307 64.8% 蟯虫 4673 10.3% ギョウちゅう 0 0.0% ギョウ虫 4097 9.1% ギョウチュウ 4354 9.6% |
Diff: | @@ -15,6 +14,0 @@ -<re_restr>ぎょう虫</re_restr> -<re_restr>蟯虫</re_restr> -</r_ele> -<r_ele> -<reb>ギョウちゅう</reb> -<re_restr>ギョウ虫</re_restr> |
2. | A 2018-06-26 06:51:17 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
1. | A* 2018-06-26 05:25:38 Johan Råde <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | gg5 wiki G n-grams: ぎょう虫 29307 蟯虫 4673 ギョウチュウ 4354 ギョウ虫 4097 ぎょうちゅう 2775 |
Diff: | @@ -4,0 +5,3 @@ +<keb>ぎょう虫</keb> +</k_ele> +<k_ele> @@ -5,0 +9,3 @@ +</k_ele> +<k_ele> +<keb>ギョウ虫</keb> @@ -8,0 +15,10 @@ +<re_restr>ぎょう虫</re_restr> +<re_restr>蟯虫</re_restr> +</r_ele> +<r_ele> +<reb>ギョウちゅう</reb> +<re_restr>ギョウ虫</re_restr> +</r_ele> +<r_ele> +<reb>ギョウチュウ</reb> +<re_nokanji/> @@ -11,0 +28 @@ +<gloss>pinworm (Enterobius vermicularis)</gloss> @@ -13 +29,0 @@ -<gloss>pinworm</gloss> |
1. |
▶ we ▶ us |
2. |
▶ I ▶ me |
3. |
《used to address a group of one's equals or inferiors》 ▶ you |
4. | A 2023-06-02 22:15:34 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -42 +42,2 @@ -<gloss>you (referring to a group of one's equals or inferiors)</gloss> +<s_inf>used to address a group of one's equals or inferiors</s_inf> +<gloss>you</gloss> |
3. | A 2023-06-01 23:11:21 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
2. | A* 2023-06-01 18:51:46 Stephen Kraus <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | Sankoku has these three senses tagged as (文), (雅), and (俗) respectively. Most of the small kokugos have our sense [3] tagged as (俗). Shinmeikai says it's dialectal. Google N-gram Corpus Counts ╭─ーーー─┬───────────┬───────╮ │ 我ら │ 1,017,331 │ 58.9% │ │ 我等 │ 231,918 │ 13.4% │ │ 吾等 │ 11,773 │ 0.7% │ - rK │ 吾ら │ 4,984 │ 0.3% │ - sK │ われら │ 462,525 │ 26.8% │ ╰─ーーー─┴───────────┴───────╯ |
Diff: | @@ -14,0 +15 @@ +<ke_inf>&rK;</ke_inf> @@ -17,0 +19 @@ +<ke_inf>&sK;</ke_inf> @@ -26,0 +29 @@ +<misc>&form;</misc> @@ -32 +35 @@ -<misc>&arch;</misc> +<misc>&poet;</misc> @@ -38 +41 @@ -<misc>&arch;</misc> +<misc>&col;</misc> |
1. | A 2018-05-16 22:46:09 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -27 +26,0 @@ -<pos>&adj-no;</pos> @@ -33 +31,0 @@ -<pos>&adj-no;</pos> @@ -40 +37,0 @@ -<pos>&adj-no;</pos> |
1. |
▶ smith ▶ blacksmith |
2. |
《usu. written as カジヤ》 ▶ small crowbar for extracting nails ▶ cat's paw |
8. | A 2024-05-02 05:26:27 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: |���결 |
Comments: | Thanks. Fixed. |
7. | A* 2024-05-02 04:25:14 Syed Raza <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | For clarity, it seems Eve is specifically referring to how this entry displays on WWWJDIC: 鍛冶屋; カジ屋 【かじや; 】. |
6. | A* 2024-05-02 03:29:19 Eve Kushner <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | There's an extraneous semicolon after the yomi. |
5. | A 2023-10-12 00:27:20 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | カジヤ isn't used for sense 1. |
Diff: | @@ -23 +23 @@ -<re_nokanji/> +<re_inf>&sk;</re_inf> @@ -34 +34 @@ -<s_inf>usu. カジヤ</s_inf> +<s_inf>usu. written as カジヤ</s_inf> |
4. | A 2023-10-11 09:29:44 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Never heard them called that. |
Diff: | @@ -22,0 +23 @@ +<re_nokanji/> @@ -33 +34,3 @@ -<gloss>cat's paw (small crowbar for pulling nails) (usu. カジヤ)</gloss> +<s_inf>usu. カジヤ</s_inf> +<gloss>small crowbar for extracting nails</gloss> +<gloss>cat's paw</gloss> |
(show/hide 3 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ go (signal, sign)
2. |
▶ going (somewhere) |
4. | A 2023-06-02 02:30:02 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Quiet. Closing. |
3. | A* 2023-05-24 07:12:16 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Maybe this. There's even an example sentence for it. |
Diff: | @@ -8,0 +9,2 @@ +<pos>&adj-no;</pos> +<xref type="see" seq="1054140">ゴーサイン</xref> @@ -10,2 +12,5 @@ -<gloss>go (somewhere)</gloss> -<gloss>go (signal)</gloss> +<gloss>go (signal, sign)</gloss> +</sense> +<sense> +<pos>&n;</pos> +<gloss>going (somewhere)</gloss> |
2. | A* 2023-05-23 06:54:47 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Don't uNderstand this entry really. int? surely not a noun |
1. | A 2006-04-28 00:00:00 | |
Comments: | Entry created |
1. |
▶ visiting a temple |
5. | A 2023-06-02 12:17:19 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Certainly little evidence of する, etc. usage. |
4. | A* 2023-06-02 10:49:30 | |
Diff: | @@ -15 +14,0 @@ -<pos>&vs;</pos> |
3. | A 2023-06-02 05:19:09 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
2. | A* 2023-05-31 06:54:33 Brian Krznarich <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | daijs: 社寺にお参りすること。参詣 (さんけい) 。物参り。 物詣 884 0.5% 物詣で 287 0.2% 参詣 187608 99.3% 物参り 58 0.0% |
Comments: | I suspect this might be [hist] from image results. |
Diff: | @@ -15,0 +16 @@ +<misc>&rare;</misc> |
1. | A 2006-06-04 00:00:00 | |
Comments: | Entry created |
1. |
▶ core system ▶ mission-critical system |
3. | A 2023-06-02 02:19:59 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | Eijiro, etc. |
Comments: | I don't like it, but it's often translated that way. |
2. | A* 2023-05-31 02:12:20 Nicolas Maia | |
Refs: | 「基幹システム」(mission-critical system)は、企業の基幹業務、根幹業務を管理するシステムです。 |
Diff: | @@ -13,0 +14 @@ +<gloss>mission-critical system</gloss> |
1. | A 2008-05-24 00:00:00 | |
Comments: | Entry created |
1. |
▶ memorial ceremony held on the 100th day of a person's death |
7. | A 2023-06-02 02:24:57 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 百日忌 263 幽回忌 0 |
Comments: | 百日忌 is not an entry. |
Diff: | @@ -12 +11,0 @@ -<xref type="see">百日忌</xref> |
6. | A* 2023-06-01 09:35:40 | |
Diff: | @@ -11,0 +12 @@ +<xref type="see">百日忌</xref> |
5. | A 2023-06-01 07:31:03 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I think "rare" is better. None of the kokugos indicates it's archaic. |
Diff: | @@ -13 +13 @@ -<misc>&arch;</misc> +<misc>&rare;</misc> |
4. | A* 2023-05-31 09:43:50 Brian Krznarich <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 幽回忌 No matches Inlined definition for the reader: 幽回忌(100日目) その中で三止は「去年御別れのあしたより幽回忌(100日目)に当らせらるゝ行秋のゆふべまで其折折に拙き発句ども備へ奉りし小冊子を上木して類我の恩と題し聊報恩の冥加を思ひ奉りし |
Comments: | This definition seemed to conflict with the regular usage of 回忌. The only single news/modern-looking ref I found seems to be citing literature from the 1700s, which themselves are probably citing older references still. There are book results, but many look like Chinese and/or old Japanese. [rare] just didn't seem to do it justice, but maybe just [rare]. Not in modern use, at least. |
Diff: | @@ -12,0 +13 @@ +<misc>&arch;</misc> |
3. | A 2012-05-15 09:32:04 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
(show/hide 2 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ three main Kumano shrines (Kumano Hongu Taisha, Kumano Nachi Taisha, Kumano Hayatama Taisha)
6. | A 2023-06-02 05:23:51 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I've visited two of them: Hongu and Nachi. |
5. | A* 2023-05-31 07:13:49 Brian Krznarich <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | shouldn't capitalize "shrines" either, I think. |
Diff: | @@ -15 +15 @@ -<gloss>three main Kumano Shrines (Kumano Hongu Taisha, Kumano Nachi Taisha, Kumano Hayatama Taisha)</gloss> +<gloss>three main Kumano shrines (Kumano Hongu Taisha, Kumano Nachi Taisha, Kumano Hayatama Taisha)</gloss> |
4. | A* 2023-05-31 07:05:26 Brian Krznarich <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 熊野三山 28890 熊野三社 1965 |
Comments: | 熊野三山 is the wikipedia page, ngrams also suggest the xref is backwards based on popularity. |
Diff: | @@ -11,0 +12 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="2827498">熊野三山</xref> |
3. | A 2015-08-06 09:50:28 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
2. | A* 2015-08-06 09:21:49 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -12 +12 @@ -<gloss>Three Main Kumano Shrines (Kumano Hongu Taisha, Kumano Nachi Taisha, Kumano Hayatama Taisha)</gloss> +<gloss>three main Kumano Shrines (Kumano Hongu Taisha, Kumano Nachi Taisha, Kumano Hayatama Taisha)</gloss> |
(show/hide 1 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ kami of the three main Kumano shrines
4. | A 2023-06-02 05:24:34 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
3. | A* 2023-05-31 07:18:36 Brian Krznarich <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 「熊野本宮大社(くまのほんぐうたいしゃ)」、「熊野速玉大社(くまのはやたまたいしゃ)」、「熊野那智大社(くまのなちたいしゃ)」の三社を「熊野三山(くまのさんざん)」と呼びます。 ... 三社は個別の自然崇拝に起源を持ちますが、三社の主祭神を相互に勧請し「熊野三所権現」として信仰されるようになりました。 |
Comments: | updated xref to the more common term. Both are certainly used. In news results 熊野三山参り and 熊野三社参り both return results. But since 熊野三山 is the wikipedia headword, and ngrams are much higher, this seems like the better choice. |
Diff: | @@ -12,3 +12,3 @@ -<xref type="see" seq="2827497">熊野三社</xref> -<xref type="see" seq="2827497">熊野三社</xref> -<xref type="see" seq="2827497">熊野三社</xref> +<xref type="see" seq="2827498">熊野三山</xref> +<xref type="see" seq="2827498">熊野三山</xref> +<xref type="see" seq="2827498">熊野三山</xref> |
2. | A 2015-08-06 09:51:42 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
1. | A* 2015-08-06 09:18:30 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | koj, daij |
1. |
▶ pilgrimage to the three main Kumano shrines
4. | A 2023-06-02 05:15:50 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Yes, the で is often dropped. I think the entry is OK as-is. |
3. | A* 2023-05-31 07:12:46 Brian Krznarich <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 熊野詣 13716 71.4% 熊野詣で 5498 28.6% === 熊野詣で 5498 11.0% 熊野詣 13716 27.4% 熊野三山 28890 57.7% 熊野三社 1965 3.9% |
Comments: | daijs has the で, but the trailing で seems generally not required on 詣で terms. As an extreme example: 熊野詣の湯垢離場 204 54.5% 熊野詣での湯垢離場 170 45.5% で seems to be applied somewhat haphazardly in the wikipedia article (sometimes there is a coincidental particle で, usually it is omitted, but it appears in some special cases).熊野三山#熊野信仰 I'm also changing the xref from 熊野三社 to the more popular 熊野三山(wikipedia headword). Along with daijs, an NHK article includes the で(though many other news sources do not). I guess I'll consider this "prescriptively preferred", or something like that. But ngrams suggest that the bare 熊野詣 should lead. |
Diff: | @@ -5,0 +6,3 @@ +</k_ele> +<k_ele> +<keb>熊野詣</keb> @@ -12,2 +15,2 @@ -<xref type="see" seq="2827497">熊野三社</xref> -<xref type="see" seq="2827497">熊野三社</xref> +<xref type="see" seq="2827498">熊野三山</xref> +<xref type="see" seq="2827498">熊野三山</xref> |
2. | A 2015-08-06 09:49:07 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
1. | A* 2015-08-06 09:21:30 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | koj |
1. |
▶ double-grave system ▶ [expl] system of having one grave for the body and a separate one for prayers and services
6. | A 2023-06-02 23:06:09 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | OK. Not sure it's needed since it's in the first gloss, but I'm not fussed. |
5. | A* 2023-06-02 11:59:38 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | The way we usually do expl today, it should contain the word "system". |
Diff: | @@ -14 +14 @@ -<gloss g_type="expl">having one grave for the body and a separate one for prayers and services</gloss> +<gloss g_type="expl">system of having one grave for the body and a separate one for prayers and services</gloss> |
4. | A 2023-06-02 05:00:53 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | KOD: 〔死者を埋めた埋め墓と, 詣でるための参り墓を別々に作った土葬時代の風習〕 the 「double-grave [double-tomb] system; the use of two “graves”, one for the physical remains of the dead and a separate one for prayers and memorial services. |
Comments: | Trimming and fiddling a little. |
Diff: | @@ -14 +14 @@ -<gloss g_type="expl">system of having one actual grave for the body and a separate one for the soul</gloss> +<gloss g_type="expl">having one grave for the body and a separate one for prayers and services</gloss> |
3. | A* 2023-05-31 05:25:08 Brian Krznarich <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | In Nakiri, a double-grave system (ryōbosei 両墓制) was in place from the Edo period until around the middle of the Meiji period (1868–1912), but as the number of households increased, the cemetery became too small, ... Conventional folklore study on the grave system has progressed centered on the “double grave system”. The “double grave system” is a term used in opposition to the “single grave system”... |
Comments: | Google of: japanese double grave system 両墓制 seems to yield adequate results as a gloss. other notes on 詣り墓. 単墓制 seems to be the less-common historic contrast for single-grave burials. We don't have this term, but maybe not critical. Might be worth noting explicitly that the "second grave for the soul" is explicitly to facilitate visitation (as suggested by 詣り墓). Or not, it's a niche piece of information. |
Diff: | @@ -12 +12,3 @@ -<gloss>system of having one actual grave for the body and a separate one for the soul</gloss> +<misc>&hist;</misc> +<gloss>double-grave system</gloss> +<gloss g_type="expl">system of having one actual grave for the body and a separate one for the soul</gloss> |
2. | A 2018-12-05 05:14:23 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
(show/hide 1 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ burial grave ▶ [expl] grave for the body in a two-grave system
4. | A 2023-06-02 05:02:58 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Trimming. |
Diff: | @@ -17 +17 @@ -<gloss g_type="expl">grave for the body of a deceased person in a two-grave system</gloss> +<gloss g_type="expl">grave for the body in a two-grave system</gloss> |
3. | A* 2023-05-31 05:18:30 Brian Krznarich <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | See refs/glosses in 詣り墓. "burial grave" was given by the source I found, and is also a quite literal translation. |
Diff: | @@ -11,0 +12,2 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="2837406">詣り墓</xref> +<xref type="see" seq="2837406">詣り墓</xref> @@ -13 +15,3 @@ -<gloss>grave for the body of a deceased person</gloss> +<misc>&hist;</misc> +<gloss>burial grave</gloss> +<gloss g_type="expl">grave for the body of a deceased person in a two-grave system</gloss> |
2. | A 2018-12-05 05:14:47 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
1. | A* 2018-12-04 04:33:01 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | daij |
1. |
▶ visitation grave ▶ [expl] memorial for prayers and services in a two-grave system
4. | A 2023-06-02 05:08:09 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | KOD: 〔両墓制で, 墓参(ぼさん)用の墓〕 a “memorial grave”, where prayers and services are held for people actually buried elsewhere. 詣り墓 212 31.5% 参り墓 460 68.5% <- KOD leads with this |
Comments: | I'm a bit uncomfortable with "soul" in this essentially Buddhist context. |
Diff: | @@ -5 +5 @@ -<keb>詣り墓</keb> +<keb>参り墓</keb> @@ -8 +8 @@ -<keb>参り墓</keb> +<keb>詣り墓</keb> @@ -19 +19 @@ -<gloss g_type="expl">grave for the soul of a deceased person in a two-grave system</gloss> +<gloss g_type="expl">memorial for prayers and services in a two-grave system</gloss> |
3. | A* 2023-05-31 05:16:01 Brian Krznarich <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | Kokugakuin Japan Studies 2023 | Nº 04 (Kokugakuin University) 2.2.1 Welcoming the Spirits of the Newly Departed In Nakiri, a double-grave system (ryōbosei 両墓制) was in place from the Edo period until around the middle of the Meiji period (1868–1912), but as the number of households increased, the cemetery became too small, and as graves were repeatedly relocated and the cemetery expanded, a single-grave system (tanbosei 単墓制) was adopted. However, according to the priest Kaneda Toshiki 金田俊機 of Sen’yūji 仙遊寺, the traces of the double-grave system can still be seen in the individual family grave plots. The tombstone carved with the names of the departed that is farthest from the front of the plot serves as the visitation grave (mairibaka 詣り墓), while the natural stone placed in front of it serves as the burial grave (umebaka 埋め墓). |
Comments: | Would be happy to have this tweaked. The meaning of the kanji seemed like they would lend themselves to an obvious literal interpretation("the place you go to commune with the deceased"), so I went looking for one. "visitation grave" seems pretty good to me. Immediate results suggest that this was a historical practice, perhaps motivated by the desire to separate the corpse from a more hygienic place to visit. As Japan is now 99+% cremation (it seems), [hist] seems like it should be safe enough for this, and all related terms. (would have suggested [rare] otherwise) |
Diff: | @@ -14,0 +15 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="2837404">埋め墓</xref> @@ -16 +17,3 @@ -<gloss>grave for the soul of a deceased person</gloss> +<misc>&hist;</misc> +<gloss>visitation grave</gloss> +<gloss g_type="expl">grave for the soul of a deceased person in a two-grave system</gloss> |
2. | A 2018-12-05 05:15:18 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
1. | A* 2018-12-04 04:35:27 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | daij nikk |
1. |
▶ (under) such circumstances ▶ (in) such a situation |
9. | A 2023-06-06 18:14:07 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I don't think その様な中 should be hidden. It's not that rare. |
Diff: | @@ -9 +8,0 @@ -<ke_inf>&sK;</ke_inf> |
8. | A 2023-06-03 00:56:22 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
7. | A* 2023-06-03 00:50:21 Stephen Kraus <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 〈其の/その〉〈よう/様〉な〈中/なか〉 Google N-gram Corpus Counts ╭─ーーーーーーー─┬────────┬───────╮ │ そのような中 │ 67,265 │ 88.0% │ │ その様な中 │ 4,089 │ 5.3% │ - add, sK │ その様ななか │ 90 │ 0.1% │ │ 其の様な中 │ 24 │ 0.0% │ │ そのようななか │ 4,972 │ 6.5% │ ╰─ーーーーーーー─┴────────┴───────╯ |
Diff: | @@ -5,0 +6,4 @@ +</k_ele> +<k_ele> +<keb>その様な中</keb> +<ke_inf>&sK;</ke_inf> |
6. | A 2023-06-03 00:35:58 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | OK |
5. | A* 2023-06-03 00:01:38 | |
Comments: | The glosses are for ~に/で |
Diff: | @@ -12,3 +12,2 @@ -<gloss>under such circumstances</gloss> -<gloss>in such a situation</gloss> -<gloss>wherein</gloss> +<gloss>(under) such circumstances</gloss> +<gloss>(in) such a situation</gloss> |
(show/hide 4 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ therapy woman ▶ [expl] woman who comforts men rather than stressing them |
5. | D 2023-06-03 00:34:47 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | OK. It would have been good to have all 5 in that article, but it is a bit obvious. |
4. | D* 2023-06-03 00:06:26 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I agree. The definitions online are very general. |
3. | D* 2023-06-02 12:02:46 Marcus Richert | |
Refs: | 癒し系女子 119 |
Comments: | Feels overly compositional to me.Also don't like "therapy woman" |
2. | A 2023-06-02 02:33:48 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Quiet. Closing. |
1. | A* 2023-05-24 07:00:02 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | |
Comments: | The last of the 5 "types" in the reference page. |
1. |
▶ freedom of the press to not report on something (oft. used ironically) |
3. | D 2023-06-03 00:11:05 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I don't think so. |
2. | A* 2023-06-02 06:51:57 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 報道しない自由 731 |
Comments: | I see the irony, but it's really just the sum-of-parts and not particularly common. Is it needed/useful as an entry? |
1. | A* 2023-05-29 10:36:53 | |
Refs: | eikipediap |
1. |
《from ジャニーズ + タレント》 ▶ male idol belonging to the agency Johnny's & Associates
5. | A 2023-06-03 00:15:01 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -11 +11 @@ -<s_inf>ジャニーズ + タレント</s_inf> +<s_inf>from ジャニーズ + タレント</s_inf> |
4. | A 2023-06-03 00:14:37 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -10 +9,0 @@ -<misc>&abbr;</misc> @@ -12 +11,2 @@ -<gloss>(male) idol from the agency Johnny's & Associates</gloss> +<s_inf>ジャニーズ + タレント</s_inf> +<gloss>male idol belonging to the agency Johnny's & Associates</gloss> |
3. | A 2023-06-02 02:29:35 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | ジャニタレ |
Comments: | Bit too common to ignore. |
Diff: | @@ -9 +8,0 @@ -<xref type="see" seq="5041626" corp="jmnedict">ジャニーズ</xref> |
2. | A* 2023-05-30 22:16:33 | |
Diff: | @@ -9 +9,7 @@ -<gloss>idol or talent from Johnny's</gloss> +<xref type="see" seq="2858081">ジャニーズ</xref> +<xref type="see" seq="2858081">ジャニーズ</xref> +<xref type="see" seq="2858081">ジャニーズ</xref> +<xref type="see" seq="1076460">タレント・1</xref> +<misc>&abbr;</misc> +<misc>&col;</misc> +<gloss>(male) idol from the agency Johnny's & Associates</gloss> |
1. | A* 2023-05-29 10:53:10 |
1. |
▶ Basic Policies for Economic and Fiscal Management and Structural Reform (periodically released by the Japanese government) ▶ [lit] Big-Boned Policy |
3. | A 2023-06-03 23:56:07 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | As it's a name, I think the lit gloss should be capitalised. |
Diff: | @@ -10,0 +11 @@ +<pos>&exp;</pos> @@ -13 +14 @@ -<gloss g_type="lit">big-boned policy</gloss> +<gloss g_type="lit">Big-Boned Policy</gloss> |
2. | A 2023-06-02 07:10:09 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | KOD: 骨太の方針 the “Big-Boned Policy.” ▲「経済財政運営と構造改革に関する基本方針」の通称. Reverso, etc. |
Comments: | That's the "official translation" of "経済財政運営と構造改革に関する基本方針". Maybe this will do. |
Diff: | @@ -12 +12,2 @@ -<gloss>basic management policy of tax finance and economic policy compiled by the Japanese government</gloss> +<gloss>Basic Policies for Economic and Fiscal Management and Structural Reform (periodically released by the Japanese government)</gloss> +<gloss g_type="lit">big-boned policy</gloss> |
1. | A* 2023-05-30 07:30:03 solo_han | |
Refs: |骨太の方針-631151 |
1. |
▶ purchase order ▶ order note ▶ order in writing |
2. | A 2023-06-02 05:25:54 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | KOD |
Diff: | @@ -12 +12,3 @@ -<gloss>purchase order sheet</gloss> +<gloss>purchase order</gloss> +<gloss>order note</gloss> +<gloss>order in writing</gloss> |
1. | A* 2023-05-31 02:37:20 Nicolas Maia | |
Refs: |発注書 |
1. |
▶ conversion factor ▶ scale factor |
2. | A 2023-06-02 02:32:07 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | GG5 has 【化】 but it's clearly more general. |
1. | A* 2023-06-01 23:05:03 Nicolas Maia | |
Refs: |換算係数 |
Comments: | 換算係数 5537 |
1. |
▶ testing environment ▶ verification environment |
2. | A 2023-06-03 00:55:55 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | Reverso 検証環境 8609 |
Comments: | Seems OK. |
Diff: | @@ -13 +13,2 @@ -<gloss>test environment</gloss> +<gloss>testing environment</gloss> +<gloss>verification environment</gloss> |
1. | A* 2023-06-02 01:39:44 Nicolas Maia | |
Refs: |検証環境 |
Comments: | "Verification environment" sounds off |
1. |
▶ connectivity test ▶ connection check |
2. | A 2023-06-02 05:38:27 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | A bit A+B. |
1. | A* 2023-06-02 01:42:07 Nicolas Maia | |
Refs: |疎通確認.html翻訳/日本語-英語/疎通確認.html |
Comments: | 疎通確認 1578 |
1. |
《from やらず + 三十路》 ▶ person who is still a virgin after turning 30
3. | A 2023-06-03 23:51:15 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -15 +15 @@ -<s_inf>from やらず and 三十路</s_inf> +<s_inf>from やらず + 三十路</s_inf> |
2. | A 2023-06-03 01:01:58 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | ヤラミソ 406 やらみそ 198 ヤラハタ 1235 やらはた 881 |
Comments: | Aligning with ヤラハタ. |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>virgin in their 30s</gloss> +<gloss>person who is still a virgin after turning 30</gloss> |
1. | A* 2023-06-02 06:51:46 | |
Refs: |やらみそ |
Comments: | See ヤラハタ |
1. |
▶ losing one's virginity (of a male) |
6. | A 2023-09-04 22:57:23 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I don't think it adds anything. |
Diff: | @@ -16 +15,0 @@ -<gloss>(male) virginity loss</gloss> |
5. | A 2023-09-04 20:59:49 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Not sure it's needed. |
4. | A* 2023-09-04 18:48:24 | |
Diff: | @@ -15,0 +16 @@ +<gloss>(male) virginity loss</gloss> |
3. | A 2023-06-07 22:36:26 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -12,0 +13 @@ +<pos>&vi;</pos> |
2. | A 2023-06-06 10:04:11 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 童貞卒業 15187 童貞卒業します 3804 Tanaka: どーお?童貞卒業した翌朝は気分爽快? So? Feeling refreshed, the morning after graduating from virginity? |
Comments: | The only sentence for 童貞. |
Diff: | @@ -11,0 +12,2 @@ +<pos>&vs;</pos> +<misc>&col;</misc> |
(show/hide 1 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ cheeky, vulgar brat ▶ impudent young temptress
2. | A 2023-06-03 01:05:36 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: |メスガキ メスガキ 656 |
Comments: | Poss. [derog]. |
1. | A* 2023-06-02 07:30:34 | |
Refs: |メスガキ |
1. |
▶ [lit] making someone understand
2. |
▶ putting an impudent, provocative brat in her place
3. |
{video games}
▶ thoroughly wiping the floor with one's opponent (in fighting games) ▶ destroying one's opponent |
3. | A 2023-06-27 13:37:48 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Quiet. |
2. | A* 2023-06-09 07:48:35 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Tweaking. Since it's "just" the imperative of わからせる we need the non-game meaning as well. |
Diff: | @@ -8,0 +9,5 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="1606560">分る・1</xref> +<gloss g_type="lit">making someone understand</gloss> +</sense> +<sense> +<pos>&n;</pos> @@ -12 +17 @@ -<gloss>putting an impudent, provocative brat in her place (usu. by sexual or physical violence)</gloss> +<gloss>putting an impudent, provocative brat in her place</gloss> @@ -18,2 +23 @@ -<s_inf>in fighting games</s_inf> -<gloss>thoroughly wiping the floor with one's opponent</gloss> +<gloss>thoroughly wiping the floor with one's opponent (in fighting games)</gloss> |
1. | A* 2023-06-02 08:06:09 | |
Refs: |わからせわからせ |
1. |
▶ global warming potential ▶ GWP |
3. | A 2023-06-02 12:18:58 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | GG5, KOD. |
2. | A* 2023-06-02 10:37:38 Nicolas Maia | |
Comments: | 地球温暖化係数 4093 |
1. | A* 2023-06-02 10:37:15 Nicolas Maia | |
Refs: |地球温暖化係数 |
1. |
▶ emission source (of exhaust fumes, pollutants, greenhouse gases, etc.) ▶ pollution source |
3. | A 2023-06-02 23:09:57 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 排出源 10260 88.3% 排出元 1361 11.7% KOD: 排出源[元] 〔廃棄物・排気ガス・汚染物質などの〕 an emission source; an emitter; a source 《of pollution》. |
Comments: | Not just greenhouse gases. |
Diff: | @@ -12 +12,2 @@ -<gloss>emissions source (of greenhouse gases)</gloss> +<gloss>emission source (of exhaust fumes, pollutants, greenhouse gases, etc.)</gloss> +<gloss>pollution source</gloss> |
2. | A* 2023-06-02 10:39:21 Nicolas Maia | |
Comments: | 排出源 10260 |
1. | A* 2023-06-02 10:39:02 Nicolas Maia | |
Refs: | |
1. |
▶ emissions quantity ▶ amount discharged |
2. | A 2023-06-02 23:18:24 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | GG5 |
Diff: | @@ -12 +12,2 @@ -<gloss>emissions amount</gloss> +<gloss>emissions quantity</gloss> +<gloss>amount discharged</gloss> |
1. | A* 2023-06-02 10:41:00 Nicolas Maia | |
Refs: |排出量 |
Comments: | 排出量 500615 |
1. |
▶ crowbar |
3. | D 2023-06-02 23:04:50 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
2. | D* 2023-06-02 17:08:53 Stephen Kraus <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Merge edit submitted to entry 1704590 |
1. | A* 2023-06-02 16:14:57 | |
Refs: | 研究社 新和英大辞典 第5版 |
1. |
▶ going bye-byes (to a child) ▶ off to sleep now |
2. | A 2023-06-02 23:17:10 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | Koj: 幼児を寝かしつける時にいう語。 Daijs: 〔連語〕子供を寝かしつけるときにいう語。おねんねしなさい。 おころりよ 1221 |
Comments: | Not sure a note is needed. |
Diff: | @@ -8,2 +8,4 @@ -<pos>&n;</pos> -<gloss>going bye-byes</gloss> +<pos>∫</pos> +<misc>&col;</misc> +<gloss>going bye-byes (to a child)</gloss> +<gloss>off to sleep now</gloss> |
1. | A* 2023-06-02 16:16:35 | |
Refs: | デジタル大辞泉; 広辞苑 第六版 |
1. |
▶ Kentaikukan |
1. | D 2023-06-02 05:42:53 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Should be けんたいいくかん. |
1. |
▶ Taiikukan |
1. | D 2023-06-02 05:50:04 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Gymnasium. |
1. |
▶ Taiikutan |
1. | D 2023-06-02 05:48:29 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Bad reading. |