JMdictDB - Japanese Dictionary DatabaseEntriesSearch | Advanced Search | New Entry | Submissions | Help |
1. |
▶ goal (in soccer, hockey, etc.) ▶ basket (in basketball) |
2. |
▶ finish line ▶ finishing line ▶ winning post |
3. |
▶ reaching the finish line ▶ finishing (a race)
4. |
▶ goal ▶ objective |
9. | A 2023-04-26 05:09:00 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Thanks. |
8. | A 2023-04-25 19:36:16 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | gg5, daij, koj, meikyo |
Comments: | Added sense and reindexed the sentences. |
Diff: | @@ -11,0 +12 @@ +<pos>&vi;</pos> @@ -13,2 +14,2 @@ -<gloss>goal (football, hockey, etc.)</gloss> -<gloss>basket (basketball)</gloss> +<gloss>goal (in soccer, hockey, etc.)</gloss> +<gloss>basket (in basketball)</gloss> @@ -18,0 +20 @@ +<gloss>finish line</gloss> @@ -20,0 +23,10 @@ +</sense> +<sense> +<pos>&n;</pos> +<pos>&vs;</pos> +<pos>&vi;</pos> +<xref type="see" seq="1054240">ゴールイン・1</xref> +<field>&sports;</field> +<misc>&abbr;</misc> +<gloss>reaching the finish line</gloss> +<gloss>finishing (a race)</gloss> |
7. | A* 2023-04-24 23:57:03 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | Daijr: (1)競走・競泳などで,着順の決まる一番最後の地点。決勝点。フィニッシュ。 (2)サッカー・バスケットボール・ラグビーなどで,ボールを入れ得点すること。また,その得点となる一定の枠内。 |
Comments: | Proposing that the sporting sense be split. The JEs roll the meanings together but the kokugos split, which I think is appropriate. I'll reindex the sentences if this is approved. Some need the English tweaking, e.g. "The boy ran and ran toward the goal. " |
Diff: | @@ -13 +13 @@ -<gloss>goal</gloss> +<gloss>goal (football, hockey, etc.)</gloss> @@ -14,0 +15,4 @@ +</sense> +<sense> +<pos>&n;</pos> +<field>&sports;</field> |
6. | A 2023-04-24 23:41:15 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Splitting off Gaul - different source. Xref not needed/useful. |
Diff: | @@ -20,7 +20,2 @@ -<xref type="see" seq="1535650">目標・もくひょう・1</xref> -<gloss>goal (i.e. objective)</gloss> -</sense> -<sense> -<pos>&n;</pos> -<xref type="see" seq="1040440">ガリア</xref> -<gloss>Gaul</gloss> +<gloss>goal</gloss> +<gloss>objective</gloss> |
5. | A* 2023-04-24 18:35:38 Brian Krznarich <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | sankoku ゴール(2): 目標 私のゴールは 991 2.4% 私の目標は 20365 48.9% 私の目的は 20277 48.7% 目標は達成 45203 50.3% 目的は達成 44506 49.5% ゴールは達成 193 0.2%ゴール/ ゴール名詞 goal 目標、目的、目的地 basket 手かご finish 最後、終了、最終、終わり、止め destination 目的地 field goal フィールド・ゴール 目標 (ゴール) とは達成可能な成果であり、一般的に広範かつ長期的なものです。一方、目的 (オブジェクティブ) とは全体的な目的を達成するために必要な、測定可能な行動を定義するものです。 |
Comments: | I think there should be a distinct sense here for 目標. As in English, I think it stands fairly independently of the sports analogy. As katakana, my gut feeling is that only gloss should be "goal" (and not the laundry-list of synonyms contained on 目標 and 目的). The xref can do the leg-work of providing synonyms. The point of the entry is to indicate that "yes, the Japanese do use ゴール with this meaning". I'm writing a letter in Japanese right now, and was considering using the term. I went to to confirm it was acceptable, but the sense was missing. The conclusion would be "oh, I guess Japanese people don't use it this way". I still thought it was legitimate though, so I did a few extra searches and made this edit. Given the ngrams, I think I will still not use it, in favor of one of the more common xrefs :) I originally xref'd 目標 and 目的, even though I know we dislike multiple xrefs. However, sankoku gives 目標, and the random "goal-vs-objective" explicitly aligns ゴール with 目標 in contrast with 目的=objective. Still quite subtle, but an interesting observation nonetheless. Seems like they are saying that 全体的な目的 = 目標 anyway... I waffled on "i.e. objective" "i.e. target" because of the reference article. But ultimately "objective" seems like the most readily comprehensible term with zero surrounding context. I don't feel overly passionate about any of my choices, except that [2] should be a sense. While the ngrams make it almost look like a 'blip', the Englishification of Japanese marches on, and sense [2] seems a bit more popular to me today than it might have been even a decade ago when the stats were collected. |
Diff: | @@ -16,0 +17,5 @@ +</sense> +<sense> +<pos>&n;</pos> +<xref type="see" seq="1535650">目標・もくひょう・1</xref> +<gloss>goal (i.e. objective)</gloss> |
(show/hide 4 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ postcard-sized photographic portrait of a celebrity |
2. |
(ブロマイド only)
▶ bromide paper |
4. | A 2023-04-26 05:01:35 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
3. | A* 2023-04-25 16:44:15 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | daijr: スターなどのはがき大の肖像写真。〔日本では戦前から多く「プロマイド」といわれてきた〕 daijs: なまって「プロマイド」とも。 nikk: プロマイド(英bromide)〈ブロマイド〉俳優、歌手などのはがき大の肖像写真。 jwiki: ブロマイドは、臭化銀を用いた写真用印画紙、またはその印画紙に焼き付けた写真のこと。 prog: 1〔臭素紙〕bromide paper 2〔スターなどの写真〕a (film star's) picture ブロマイド 66,338 プロマイド 18,272 |
Comments: | "プロマイド" was coined by the company マルベル堂, but judging from tweets, people use ブロマイド and プロマイド interchangeably – プロマイド doesn't necessarily refer to photos sold by マルベル堂. I don't think プロマイド on its own is used as a synonym for 臭化物. |
Diff: | @@ -7,0 +8,3 @@ +<r_ele> +<reb>プロマイド</reb> +</r_ele> @@ -10 +13 @@ -<gloss>publicity photograph of a movie star, entertainer, etc.</gloss> +<gloss>postcard-sized photographic portrait of a celebrity</gloss> @@ -12,0 +16 @@ +<stagr>ブロマイド</stagr> @@ -14 +18 @@ -<gloss>bromide (print, paper, etc.)</gloss> +<gloss>bromide paper</gloss> |
2. | A 2023-04-24 05:46:04 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | The chemical is more usually 臭化物, etc. |
Diff: | @@ -14 +14 @@ -<gloss>bromide</gloss> +<gloss>bromide (print, paper, etc.)</gloss> |
1. | A* 2023-04-24 04:36:55 Opencooper | |
Refs: | * gg5: bromide. * chuujiten: a photograph 《of a movie star》 * wisdom: 〖スターなどの写真〗a star's picture]; 〖特定場面のスチール写真〗a still. * prog: 1 〔臭素紙〕bromide paper | 2 〔スターなどの写真〕a (film star's) picture * genius: star's [idol's] picture * luminous: (映画俳優などの写真) (movie) star's picture; (壁にはるセクシーな写真) pin-up * concise: a bromide (写真・感光紙) * olex: (スターなどの写真) pictures of stars; (壁にはる美人などの写真) pin-up |
Comments: | Switching sense order. The JEs and kokugos only have a sense for a photo of a star. Though it's probably used as the chemical in some technical places. |
Diff: | @@ -10 +10 @@ -<gloss>bromide</gloss> +<gloss>publicity photograph of a movie star, entertainer, etc.</gloss> @@ -14 +14 @@ -<gloss>publicity photograph of a movie star, entertainer, etc.</gloss> +<gloss>bromide</gloss> |
1. |
▶ raising and lowering |
2. |
▶ loading and unloading (cargo) |
3. |
▶ praising and criticizing |
4. | A 2023-04-25 21:59:00 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
3. | A* 2023-04-25 20:35:28 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | daijs, meikyo 上げ下ろし 34,638 94.9% 揚降 1,748 4.8% 揚げ卸し 101 0.3% daijr, koj 揚け降ろし 0 |
Comments: | I don't think 上下 is needed. Nikk always omits okurigana. Added sense. |
Diff: | @@ -13 +13,2 @@ -<keb>上下</keb> +<keb>揚げ卸し</keb> +<ke_inf>&rK;</ke_inf> @@ -25 +26,13 @@ -<gloss>loading and unloading</gloss> +</sense> +<sense> +<pos>&n;</pos> +<pos>&vs;</pos> +<pos>&vt;</pos> +<gloss>loading and unloading (cargo)</gloss> +</sense> +<sense> +<pos>&n;</pos> +<pos>&vs;</pos> +<pos>&vt;</pos> +<misc>&col;</misc> +<gloss>praising and criticizing</gloss> |
2. | A* 2023-04-24 23:00:53 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: |上下・揚降-2001294 揚降 1748 上げ下ろし 34638 (example using 揚降) |
Comments: | I encountered 揚降 in the wild. It seems to be used in shipping contexts. |
Diff: | @@ -7,0 +8,6 @@ +</k_ele> +<k_ele> +<keb>揚降</keb> +</k_ele> +<k_ele> +<keb>上下</keb> |
1. | A 2021-11-17 01:57:41 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | mk (2 senses) |
Diff: | @@ -15,0 +16,2 @@ +<pos>&vs;</pos> +<pos>&vt;</pos> |
1. |
▶ saving electricity ▶ power saving ▶ reducing electricity usage ▶ reducing power consumption |
5. | A 2023-04-27 01:43:54 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
4. | A* 2023-04-26 22:23:00 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | gg5, prog, luminous, wisdom |
Comments: | I think "energy conservation" is too broad. |
Diff: | @@ -19,2 +19,4 @@ -<gloss>conservation of electricity</gloss> -<gloss>energy conservation</gloss> +<gloss>saving electricity</gloss> +<gloss>power saving</gloss> +<gloss>reducing electricity usage</gloss> +<gloss>reducing power consumption</gloss> |
3. | A 2023-04-25 21:58:09 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
2. | A* 2023-04-25 14:14:47 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | brownout seems very wrong |
Diff: | @@ -20 +20 @@ -<gloss>brownout</gloss> +<gloss>energy conservation</gloss> |
1. | A 2021-11-18 01:07:00 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Meikyo vt and vi additions to n,vs entries -*- via -*- |
Diff: | @@ -16,0 +17,2 @@ +<pos>&vt;</pos> +<pos>&vi;</pos> |
1. |
▶ leaves turning red (in autumn) ▶ red leaves ▶ autumn colours ▶ fall colors
13. | A 2023-04-26 11:52:03 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
12. | A* 2023-04-25 22:58:04 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Forgot to drop 黄葉. |
Diff: | @@ -9,3 +8,0 @@ -</k_ele> -<k_ele> -<keb>黄葉</keb> |
11. | A* 2023-04-25 20:56:03 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Yes, that's what I had in mind. The refs only have one sense for 紅葉/こうよう and 黄葉/こうよう. |
Diff: | @@ -13,4 +12,0 @@ -<k_ele> -<keb>椛</keb> -<ke_inf>&rK;</ke_inf> -</k_ele> @@ -19,2 +14,0 @@ -<re_restr>紅葉</re_restr> -<re_restr>黄葉</re_restr> @@ -25,4 +18,0 @@ -<r_ele> -<reb>もみじ</reb> -<re_pri>ichi1</re_pri> -</r_ele> @@ -31,0 +22,4 @@ +<pos>&vi;</pos> +<xref type="see" seq="2857872">黄葉</xref> +<gloss>leaves turning red (in autumn)</gloss> +<gloss>red leaves</gloss> @@ -34,20 +27,0 @@ -<gloss>leaves changing color (colour)</gloss> -</sense> -<sense> -<stagk>紅葉</stagk> -<pos>&n;</pos> -<pos>&vs;</pos> -<gloss>leaves turning red</gloss> -<gloss>red leaves</gloss> -</sense> -<sense> -<stagk>黄葉</stagk> -<pos>&n;</pos> -<pos>&vs;</pos> -<gloss>leaves turning yellow</gloss> -<gloss>yellow leaves</gloss> -</sense> -<sense> -<pos>&n;</pos> -<xref type="see" seq="2833860">紅葉襲</xref> -<gloss>layered colors in garments, resembling autumn colors</gloss> |
10. | A* 2023-04-25 16:02:44 | |
Comments: | I think the proposed split was a three-way split: 黄葉 [こうよう] leaves turning yellow in the autumn; yellow leaves 紅葉 [こうよう] leaves turning red in the autumn; red leaves 紅葉;黄葉 [もみじ] [1] autumn colours [2] maple [3] layered garments [4] venison it seems prudent to split out the two こうよう entries, not vice versa |
9. | A* 2023-04-25 03:34:15 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Reopen. |
(show/hide 8 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ sea gauge ▶ draft ▶ draught |
3. | A 2023-04-25 11:33:12 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | All my references order it this way too |
2. | A* 2023-04-25 10:35:02 Brian Krznarich <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 吃水 2296 7.5% 喫水 28145 92.5% |
Comments: | Fixed ordering. wikipedia headword is 喫水, 喫水線 in this database is already ordered this way. |
Diff: | @@ -5 +5 @@ -<keb>吃水</keb> +<keb>喫水</keb> @@ -8 +8 @@ -<keb>喫水</keb> +<keb>吃水</keb> |
1. | A 2010-08-22 19:50:38 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | mering in (brandon's suggestion) |
Diff: | @@ -6,0 +6,3 @@ +</k_ele> +<k_ele> +<keb>喫水</keb> |
1. |
▶ departure time ▶ starting time
3. | A 2023-04-27 11:02:54 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -11,0 +12 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="2857878">到着時間</xref> |
2. | A 2023-04-25 22:21:53 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
1. | A* 2023-04-25 00:57:00 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | GG5, etc. |
Comments: | A bit clearer. |
Diff: | @@ -12 +12,2 @@ -<gloss>starting (departure) time</gloss> +<gloss>departure time</gloss> +<gloss>starting time</gloss> |
1. |
▶ venison ▶ deer meat
2. | A 2023-04-25 21:10:02 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 鹿肉 74,653 87.8% シカ肉 10,344 12.2% |
Diff: | @@ -5,0 +6,3 @@ +</k_ele> +<k_ele> +<keb>シカ肉</keb> |
1. | A 2006-02-07 00:00:00 | |
Comments: | Entry created |
1. |
(アマゾン only)
▶ Amazon (river, rainforest, etc.) |
2. |
{Greek mythology}
▶ Amazon (female warrior) |
12. | A 2024-06-06 23:36:25 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
11. | A* 2024-06-06 23:13:45 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I think we can drop the company sense and add [spec1] to the jmnedict entry. |
Diff: | @@ -19,5 +18,0 @@ -</sense> -<sense> -<stagr>アマゾン</stagr> -<pos>&n;</pos> -<gloss>Amazon (company)</gloss> |
10. | A 2023-04-26 13:28:40 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -20,0 +21 @@ +<stagr>アマゾン</stagr> |
9. | A 2023-04-26 00:57:37 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | That sense is already in the name dictionary entry, but it may as well be here too. |
8. | A* 2023-04-26 00:12:42 Nicolas Maia | |
Comments: | Probably the most common usage, to be honest. |
Diff: | @@ -18,0 +19,4 @@ +</sense> +<sense> +<pos>&n;</pos> +<gloss>Amazon (company)</gloss> |
(show/hide 7 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ Promide (product name for bromides released by Marubell) |
4. | D 2023-04-26 05:02:28 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | OK |
3. | A* 2023-04-25 16:46:47 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: |ブロマイド#呼称について 大辞泉では、『訛って プロマイドとも』と解説している。『日本大百科事典』は、日本でプロマイドと呼んでいるが、こうなったのは、大正末期に映画俳優の肖像写真を商品として売り出すとき、『印画紙そのままの名称「ブロマイド」ではおかしい』と考え、最初の音を変えた語を案出したからだと解説している。マルベル堂では印画紙の原紙を「ブロマイド(Buromaido)」、それを写真にした製品を「プロマイド(Puromaido)」と呼んでいる。 |
Comments: | Wikipedia explains the story behind the name. I suggest deleting this and adding プロマイド to the ブロマイド entry. See my comments there. |
2. | A* 2023-04-24 05:48:19 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | プロマイド 18272 |
Comments: | Not happy with this entry. Not in references and the WWW hist are all over the place. In English Promide is a quite different drug product. This should probably be moved to the names dictionary. |
Diff: | @@ -9 +8,0 @@ -<xref type="see" seq="1115070">ブロマイド</xref> @@ -11 +9,0 @@ -<gloss>bromide (publicity photograph of a movie star, entertainer, etc.)</gloss> |
1. | A 2007-08-15 00:00:00 | |
Comments: | Entry created |
1. |
▶ venison
2. |
▶ deer
5. | A 2023-04-26 00:44:01 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
4. | A* 2023-04-25 22:23:44 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Shinmeikai tags both senses as 雅 but nikk defines the deer sense as "「しか(鹿)」の古名". |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16,2 @@ -<gloss>deer meat</gloss> +<misc>&poet;</misc> +<gloss>venison</gloss> |
3. | A 2012-02-11 01:05:39 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | Daijs |
Comments: | I was very dubious about 鹿肉 being read かのしし, but I see it's in 大辞泉. I agree that it should be kept as separate entries. |
2. | A* 2012-02-10 14:44:36 Nils Roland Barth <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: |鹿肉 (Gives only しかにく as a reading) |
Comments: | * Remove しかにく reading + restriction – there’s already a separate 鹿肉(しかにく) entry. * Add a [see] link instead This is messy situation, because there are two readings (かのしし、しかにく), two spellings (鹿、鹿肉), and two meanings (deer, deer meat) (hence 8 possible combinations), and they don’t line up in a simple way. The current situation is wrong: * firstly b/c it has (鹿肉/しかにく/deer meat) in two places (this entry and a separate entry with just that), * secondly b/c I don’t think 鹿 (by itself) is read as しかにく (so it’s missing a restriction) The options are either: * One consolidated entry – delete the (鹿肉/しかにく/deer meat) entry, add a restriction so しかにく is restricted to 鹿肉 * Two separate entries – a かのしし entry (2 spellings, 2 meanings) and a しかにく entry (1 spelling, 1 meaning), and no restrictions I think it’s clearer with two separate entries (hence why I’m suggesting that): * 鹿肉/しかにく/deer meat is a easy word, and what you would expect when seeing it (admittedly, 湯桶読み), so it should have a clear entry (for usability). * かのしし seems really old-fashioned or dialectical * There is a shared 鹿肉/?/deer meat sense, which is the root of the issues – a link relates these simply It’s clear enough if these are separate, but gets really messy if one tries to put them together. Do this sound sane? |
Diff: | @@ -13,3 +13,0 @@ -<r_ele> -<reb>しかにく</reb> -</r_ele> @@ -18,0 +15,1 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="2073740">鹿肉・しかにく</xref> @@ -21,1 +19,0 @@ -<stagr>かのしし</stagr> |
1. | A 2007-08-15 00:00:00 | |
Comments: | Entry created |
1. |
▶ bromide |
3. | A 2023-04-25 16:22:13 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | gg5 |
Diff: | @@ -11,0 +12 @@ +<field>&chem;</field> |
2. | A 2012-01-10 11:14:35 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
1. | A* 2012-01-10 07:24:36 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | koj, gg5 |
1. |
▶ soldier ▶ warrior |
2. |
▶ person of courage ▶ strong person ▶ very capable person ▶ master (in a field) |
8. | A 2023-04-25 11:29:44 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I agree about the [uk] - interesting as the JEs give examples in kana. Like Robin, I don't think we need an xref from one 強者 to another. |
Diff: | @@ -22,0 +23 @@ +<re_nokanji/> @@ -31 +31,0 @@ -<xref type="see" seq="1506210">強者・きょうしゃ</xref> |
7. | A* 2023-04-25 09:55:49 Brian Krznarich <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | Added one more [sK] form:武士 他に類義語として、侍(さむらい)、兵/兵者(つわもの)、 兵者 896 ==== つわもの 88196 2.6% ツワモノ 123424 3.6% 強者 300153 8.9% <-also きょうしゃ 兵 2871323 84.9% <- also lots of stuff, somewhat hard to say precisely (but I'll give some more narrow results below) 兵達 28697 66.1% <-- some of this are still へいたち probably 強者達 5268 12.1% ツワモノ達 4869 11.2% つわもの達 4610 10.6% 揃い seems to be used to describe lineups of sports teams, and perhaps thus favors kana usage. (image search returns sports teams) つわもの揃い 2685 20.6% 兵揃い 722 5.5% 強者揃い 5534 42.5% ツワモノ揃い 4089 31.4% Actually killing a soldier? 強者を倒す 388 20.7% 兵を倒す 1483 79.3% ツワモノを倒す 0 0.0% つわものを倒す 0 0.0% 古+... is a dictionary example usage... 古強者 3603 51.5% 古兵 2983 42.7% 古つわもの 108 1.5% 古ツワモノ 65 0.9% ふるつわもの 233 3.3% Another dictionary warrior usage: 歴戦の強者 1992 40.8% 歴戦の兵 1149 23.5% 歴戦のつわもの 891 18.3% 歴戦のツワモノ 849 17.4% |
Comments: | sankoku identifies 強者 as gikun,etc. I think it is, not sure how to mark that without touching 兵. added 兵者[sK] added katakana form. removed [uk] from [1] (questionable on [2], though there are definitely [uk] "contexts", like ツワモノ揃い sports teams) === 夏草や兵どもが夢の跡 ー芭蕉 "The summer grass / 'tis all that's left / of ancient warriors' dreams". Was reading about rare kanji on reddit, and a small back-and-forth took place over this term.鬽_for_bakemono_used_if_ever/ Assertion was "つわもの as a reading for 兵 is still pretty common and in use, you'll find it in books all the time. I can 100% guarantee you that literally every native speaker can read 兵 as つわもの." This was followed up with something that ties back to the haiku I independently discovered from the ngrams (below). "Especially when it's also part of a common poem/literary piece that most native speakers learn in school. Normally it's read as へい so yeah, if you ask someone to read 兵 out loud, they will likely read it as へい but つわもの itself is not that obscure of a reading." As comforting as it would be to think that the Japanese would kindly spell out such an obscure reading for us, I don't get the feeling that this is actually [uk], *at least* for the "warrior" sense. For example: の兵は 10758 76.0% の強者は 2627 18.6% のツワモノは 504 3.6% のつわものは 272 1.9% never reads 強者 as きょうしゃ (though the texts are older, and there are limited examples). They also say 兵 is 70% つわもの. (again, limited samples). Stumbled on a famous line from Basho in the ngrams(too long for the whole line). Same one mentioned on reddit: 夏草や兵どもが夢の跡 Here it is on a rock:芭蕉句碑夏草や兵どもが夢の跡/5d8f75c1bc26ed00082f5346 It's on a few rocks apparently. This page includes a plaque with a description, including an english translation (brown sign, have to scroll down) "The summer grass / 'tis all that's left / of ancient warriors dreams". This is a scholarly Japanese translation, more notes here. Might be worth an entry. Anyway, the associated ngram counts: 夏草や兵どもが 4603 兵どもが夢の跡 12503 34.9% 兵どもが夢 16197 強者どもが夢 1998 つわものどもが夢 5150 ツワモノどもが夢 638 Obviously Basho will tilt toward the original kanji, but the poem itself also influences people's usage. === Side note for Robin's consideration in particular. (I'm just going to put the xref back so that you need to actually remove something again if unconvinced). It is perfectly natural to reach this entry by searching for つわもの, ツワモノ(how I got here), or even 兵. If this entry is the result of such a search, you won't see the separate entry for 強者. In these circumstances, you may come to the conclusion that the reading of 強者 is つわもの. For me, the reason for the xref is not to elucidate the meaning of this entry, but to warn that the the particular kanji associated with this term has separate, not-uncommon reading/meaning. This is of particular relevance for this term because you are most likely to get here from a search that does not contain any of the kanji from 強者. I guess you could make that argument for 兵 as well, but I think it's usually more obvious that a single character with a long Japanese reading is also going to have other definitions/readings if you look for them. I literally did a second search just to make sure 強者 had the separate, expected entry, but I wouldn't have always thought to do that. |
Diff: | @@ -13,0 +14,4 @@ +<k_ele> +<keb>兵者</keb> +<ke_inf>&sK;</ke_inf> +</k_ele> @@ -16,0 +21,3 @@ +<r_ele> +<reb>ツワモノ</reb> +</r_ele> @@ -19 +25,0 @@ -<misc>&uk;</misc> @@ -24,0 +31 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="1506210">強者・きょうしゃ</xref> |
6. | A 2023-03-19 02:15:49 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
5. | A* 2023-03-19 00:20:10 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | daij, meikyo, prog |
Comments: | I don't think the x-ref is needed. |
Diff: | @@ -19,0 +20 @@ +<gloss>soldier</gloss> @@ -21 +21,0 @@ -<gloss>soldier</gloss> @@ -25 +24,0 @@ -<xref type="see" seq="1506210">強者・きょうしゃ</xref> @@ -27 +26 @@ -<gloss>courageous person</gloss> +<gloss>person of courage</gloss> @@ -28,0 +28,2 @@ +<gloss>very capable person</gloss> +<gloss>master (in a field)</gloss> |
4. | A 2023-03-17 05:40:08 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
(show/hide 3 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ layered colors in garments, resembling autumn colors
3. | A 2023-04-25 03:35:11 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -11,0 +12,2 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="1578780">紅葉・こうよう・4</xref> +<xref type="see" seq="1578780">紅葉・こうよう・4</xref> |
2. | A 2017-11-23 09:32:19 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I think a little clearer. |
Diff: | @@ -12,2 +12,2 @@ -<xref type="see">紅葉</xref> -<gloss>combination of colors from layering garments that resembles autumn colors</gloss> +<xref type="see" seq="1578780">紅葉・6</xref> +<gloss>layered colors in garments, resembling autumn colors</gloss> |
1. | A* 2017-11-18 15:54:16 Scott | |
Refs: | daij koj googimages ( |
1. |
▶ beat |
2. |
▶ kick (in swimming) ▶ kicking |
2. | A 2023-04-25 22:35:38 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -15 +15 @@ -<gloss>kick (swimming)</gloss> +<gloss>kick (in swimming)</gloss> |
1. | A* 2023-04-24 05:20:26 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | GG5, etc. |
Comments: | Split from 1104420. |
1. |
▶ number generation ▶ issuing a number |
5. | A 2023-05-10 12:21:00 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I think that was in Reverso. |
4. | A* 2023-05-10 11:39:22 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: |発番 |
Comments: | I think "issuing" is better. |
Diff: | @@ -12,0 +13 @@ +<pos>&vt;</pos> @@ -14 +15 @@ -<gloss>assigning numbers</gloss> +<gloss>issuing a number</gloss> |
3. | A 2023-05-09 08:46:18 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | Reverso, 発番 4489 |
Comments: | Probably OK. The n-gram counts seem to have quite a few false positives. |
Diff: | @@ -14 +14 @@ -<gloss>issuing numbers</gloss> +<gloss>assigning numbers</gloss> |
2. | A* 2023-05-01 00:40:48 Nicolas Maia | |
Diff: | @@ -12,0 +13 @@ +<gloss>number generation</gloss> |
1. | A* 2023-04-25 00:42:51 Nicolas Maia | |
Refs: |発番発番 |
1. |
▶ maple (tree)
2. |
▶ red leaves (of autumn) ▶ autumn colors ▶ leaves changing color
3. |
▶ layered colors in garments, resembling autumn colors
4. |
▶ venison
3. | A 2023-04-26 11:56:59 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
2. | A* 2023-04-25 21:09:03 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | daij, meikyo |
Comments: | The 紅葉襲 sense also belongs here. |
Diff: | @@ -5,0 +6 @@ +<ke_pri>ichi1</ke_pri> @@ -15,0 +17,5 @@ +<re_pri>ichi1</re_pri> +</r_ele> +<r_ele> +<reb>モミジ</reb> +<re_nokanji/> @@ -19,2 +25,2 @@ -<xref type="see" seq="2148610">以呂波紅葉</xref> -<gloss>(Japanese) maple (Acer japonicum)</gloss> +<xref type="see" seq="2061900">カエデ</xref> +<gloss>maple (tree)</gloss> @@ -24,0 +31 @@ +<pos>&vi;</pos> @@ -29,2 +36,2 @@ -<gloss>autumn colours</gloss> -<gloss>fall colors</gloss> +<gloss>red leaves (of autumn)</gloss> +<gloss>autumn colors</gloss> @@ -34,0 +42,6 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="2833860">紅葉襲</xref> +<gloss>layered colors in garments, resembling autumn colors</gloss> +</sense> +<sense> +<pos>&n;</pos> +<xref type="see" seq="2073740">鹿肉</xref> |
1. | A* 2023-04-25 06:41:41 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Here's the other half of the 1578780 split. I've dropped the col from the venison sense - it's in GG5. |
1. |
《abbr. of 板タブレット》 ▶ graphics tablet ▶ drawing tablet ▶ pen tablet
3. | A 2023-04-26 22:01:50 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -11,0 +12,2 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="1982410">ペンタブレット</xref> +<xref type="see" seq="1982410">ペンタブレット</xref> @@ -14,2 +16,3 @@ -<gloss>board tablet</gloss> -<gloss>writing tablet</gloss> +<gloss>graphics tablet</gloss> +<gloss>drawing tablet</gloss> +<gloss>pen tablet</gloss> |
2. | A* 2023-04-25 11:42:34 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | - "板タブ(板タブレット・ペンタブレット)は、PCやスマホに接続して使うタイプの、液晶画面のない入力機器です。 専用のタッチペンで描いた線や文字が、PCのモニター上に表示されるため、目線を高い位置にあわせながら作業が行えます。" 板タブ 2005 |
Comments: | Maybe this? |
Diff: | @@ -12 +12,4 @@ -<gloss>???</gloss> +<field>∁</field> +<s_inf>abbr. of 板タブレット</s_inf> +<gloss>board tablet</gloss> +<gloss>writing tablet</gloss> |
1. | A* 2023-04-25 10:02:27 | |
Refs: |ペンタブレット |
1. |
▶ leaves turning yellow (in autumn) ▶ yellow leaves ▶ golden leaves ▶ autumn colours ▶ fall colors
2. | A 2023-04-25 21:54:44 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
1. | A* 2023-04-25 20:54:51 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | gg5, luminous |
Comments: | Split from 1578780. |
1. |
▶ Service |
1. | A 2023-04-25 06:47:00 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -8 +8 @@ -<misc>&unclass;</misc> +<misc>&surname;</misc> |
1. |
▶ Topp |
1. | A 2023-04-25 06:48:17 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -8 +8 @@ -<misc>&unclass;</misc> +<misc>&surname;</misc> |
1. |
▶ Buck ▶ Bach ▶ Back |
1. | A 2023-04-25 06:44:41 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | GG5 |
Diff: | @@ -8,2 +8 @@ -<misc>&unclass;</misc> -<gloss>Back</gloss> +<misc>&surname;</misc> @@ -11,0 +11 @@ +<gloss>Back</gloss> |
1. |
▶ Link |
1. | A 2023-04-25 06:46:10 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | KOD |
Diff: | @@ -8 +8 @@ -<misc>&unclass;</misc> +<misc>&surname;</misc> |
1. |
▶ Satonori |
2. | A 2023-04-25 06:36:13 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
1. | A* 2023-04-25 02:21:56 | |
Refs: |倉茂達徳 |
1. |
▶ Taigorō |
2. | A 2023-04-25 06:36:37 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
1. | A* 2023-04-25 02:29:28 | |
Refs: |近藤台五郎 |
1. |
▶ Hirotoshi |
2. | A 2023-04-25 06:37:02 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
1. | A* 2023-04-25 02:32:34 | |
Refs: |佐野公俊 |