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jmdict 2802690 Deleted (id: 1149216)
1. [v5s,vi]
▶ to miss (train, boat)
Cross references:
  ⇒ see: 2802770 乗り逃す【のりのがす】 1. to miss (train, boat)


8. D 2013-11-07 00:48:12  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
OK, I'll put it over there. It's a bit messy, but best to have them in the one place.
7. A* 2013-11-01 05:45:49  Marcus Richert
I asked a native speaker if you could say のりにがす and the 
response was a non-committed "hmm, 言えないことないんかな?"
I think it'd be better as an io in のりのがす
6. A* 2013-10-28 23:30:52  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
I suspect it's being read as のりのがす. 
I just want a home for 乗り逃がす (which came up in a Tatoeba sentence). I could merge it into the 乗り逃す as an "io", or have it here and xref. (I like having fairly full 形容動詞 coverage.)
5. A* 2013-10-28 01:41:01  Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...>
ah, wait.  comment above was about 乗りにがす. many more real google hits for 乗り逃がす.  but given the confusion between のがす and にがす, are people actually reading 乗り逃がす as のりにがす?
4. A* 2013-10-28 01:35:07  Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...>
with only 12 real google hits, i kind of question this one.  i think it may be an incorrect usage (should be のり~の~がす) modeled after the sound pattern of 取り逃がす.  also possibly based on reading confusion between 逃がす and 逃す.  probably not common enough to be worth capturing, IMO.
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