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A 2023-10-06 23:59:03 Robin Scott <...address hidden...>
Comments: |
万人/ばんにん is a very common word. It should definitely have a freq tag. |
4. |
A 2023-10-06 13:53:40 Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
Comments: |
I think that sense can be dropped. The newspaper ranking is possibly a bit off. |
Diff: |
@@ -7,2 +6,0 @@
@@ -13,2 +10,0 @@
@@ -27,4 +22,0 @@
-<gloss>ten thousand people</gloss> |
3. |
A* 2023-10-06 02:05:49
Comments: |
The frequency tags are probably due to misparsing of X万人 and should be removed. |
2. |
A* 2023-10-06 01:30:59 Stephen Kraus <...address hidden...>
Comments: |
I'm not sure it applies to any of the readings. It's not in my dictionaries (J-J and J-E).
If I'm not mistaken, ten thousand of something would usually be いちまん + counter |
1. |
A* 2023-10-06 01:12:08 Marcus Aseth <...address hidden...>
Comments: |
I have a question about this entry: does the second meaning apply also for the ばんにんreading? |