4. |
A 2013-10-30 10:46:30 Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
Comments: |
Possibly, although Paul Blay put it in and his Japanese was way beyond that level. |
3. |
A* 2013-10-30 10:30:12 Richard Warmington <...address hidden...>
Comments: |
It just occurred to me that "three-cornered polygon" must have been a literal (Japlish)
rendering of the three kanji in this word 三 + 角 + 形 -- like defining 前菜 as "prior dish". |
2. |
A 2013-10-30 08:59:23 Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
Comments: |
Let's drop it. All my JEs just say "triangle". (It came in when the entry was proposed in 2006.) |
Diff: |
@@ -26,1 +26,0 @@
-<gloss>three-cornered polygon</gloss> |
1. |
A* 2013-10-30 08:16:59 Richard Warmington <...address hidden...>
Comments: |
Just curious about the second gloss.
Does it really help to say "three-cornered polygon"?
That seems like a definition of "triangle".
But who needs a definition of "triangle"?
And who would understand "three-cornered polygon" if he
didn't already know what a triangle is?
Googling "three-cornered polygon" yields few hits, and most
of them seem to be derived from EDICT. |