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jmdict 1352290 Active (id: 2329910)
上がる [ichi1,news1,nf13] 挙がる [news1,nf13] 揚がる [spec2,news2,nf39] 上る [io] 騰がる [rK] 上ル [sK]
あがる [spec2,ichi1,news1,news2,nf13,nf39] アガる [sk]
1. [v5r,vi]
▶ to rise
▶ to go up
▶ to come up
▶ to ascend
▶ to be raised
Cross references:
  ⇔ ant: 1184160 下がる 1. to come down; to go down; to fall; to drop; to sink; to get lower
2. [v5r,vi]
▶ to enter (esp. from outdoors)
▶ to come in
▶ to go in
3. [v5r,vi]
▶ to enter (a school)
▶ to advance to the next grade
4. [v5r,vi]
▶ to get out (of water)
▶ to come ashore
5. [v5r,vi]
《occ. 騰る in ref. to price》
▶ to increase
6. [v5r,vi]
▶ to improve
▶ to make progress
7. [v5r,vi]
▶ to be promoted
▶ to advance
8. [v5r,vi]
▶ to be made (of profit, etc.)
9. [v5r,vi]
▶ to occur (esp. of a favourable result)
10. [v5r,vi]
《often as 〜で上がる》
▶ to be adequate (to cover expenses, etc.)
11. [v5r,vi]
▶ to be finished
▶ to be done
▶ to be over
Cross references:
  ⇐ see: 2405270 雨が上がる【あめがあがる】 1. to stop raining
12. [v5r,vi]
▶ to stop (of rain)
▶ to lift
13. [v5r,vi]
▶ to stop (working properly)
▶ to cut out
▶ to give out
▶ to die
Cross references:
  ⇐ see: 1352180 上がったり【あがったり】 1. doomed (business, trade, etc.); in a bad state; poor
14. [v5r,vi]
▶ to win (in a card game, etc.)
Cross references:
  ⇐ see: 2750010 和がる【あがる】 1. to win a hand
  ⇐ see: 2754400 あがり役【あがりやく】 1. winning hand
15. (挙がる only) [v5r,vi]
▶ to be arrested
16. (挙がる only) [v5r,vi]
▶ to turn up (of evidence, etc.)
17. (揚がる only) [v5r,vi]
▶ to be deep fried
18. [v5r,vi]
▶ to be spoken loudly
19. [v5r,vi]
《esp. アガる》
▶ to get nervous
▶ to get stage fright
20. [v5r,vi]
▶ to be offered (to the gods, etc.)
21. [v5r,vi] [hum]
▶ to go
▶ to visit
22. [v5r,vi] [hon]
▶ to eat
▶ to drink
23. [v5r,vi]
《esp. 挙がる》
▶ to be listed (as a candidate)
24. [v5r,vi]
▶ to serve (in one's master's home)
25. [suf,v5r]
《after the -masu stem of a verb》
▶ to be complete
▶ to finish
Cross references:
  ⇒ see: 1340610 出来上がる 1. to be completed; to be finished; to be ready (e.g. to serve or eat)
26. [exp]
《as ~上ル; in the Kyoto address system》
▶ above
▶ north of
Cross references:
  ⇐ see: 2862662 北入ル【きたいる】 1. above; north of


24. A 2025-01-11 06:17:26  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
This all seems reasonable. I'm travelling with just a tablet so I'd rather not tackle such an edit at the moment. I'll approve it as-is, and reopen for later attention.
23. A* 2024-12-24 11:12:39  Sombrero1 <...address hidden...>
Senses that are unique to each of the three non-main kanji forms:

      1. to be up high in the air; to be hoisted up high (also sometimes 上がる)
      2. (e.g. of a voice or a sound) to be loudly emitted
      3. to be deep fried
      1. to be up high in the air; to be hoisted up high
      2. to be deep fried
      3. to rise; to swell; to become strong  (e.g. どっと笑い声が揚がった)
      4. to come ashore; to land somewhere
      1. to be deep fried
      1. to be washed ashore; to come ashore
      2. to be deep fried
      3. to come in; to arrive at (of a customer to a brothel or entertainment hall)
      1. to come in; to arrive at (of a customer to a brothel or entertainment hall)

      1. to be arrested
      1. to be shown or displayed
      2. to be arrested
      1. to turn up (of evidence or information relevant or fitting to a given situation)
      1. to be clearly displayed or prominenyly shown (of a name, matter etc.)
      2. to be arrested
      1. to become known; to turn up (of information
      1. to elevate or rise (of a voice or of temperature)
      1. to be arrested
      2. to turn up (of evidence)
      3. to be gossiped about (of a candidate for something etc.); to be publicly shown; to appear listed in a table (of one's name)
      4. to be raised loudly (of a voice)

      1. to increase (of prices and costs in particular)
      (1. to increase (of prices and costs in particular; also 上がる))


Senses to which two kanji forms apply:
Meikyo only for now (because of the especially clear distinctions made in their entry):
  1. to rise; to ascend; to come up 〔上・揚〕
  2. to be up high in the air; to be hoisted up high 〔上・揚〕
  3. to  be moved to a higher position (of something that's been lifted or hoisted to a certain position)〔上・揚〕
  4. to raise or move a bodypart up high (e.g. one's fist in rage) 〔上・挙〕
  5. to be washed ashore; to come on land (from underwater) 〔上・揚〕
  6. to be dragged up onto land from the depths of the sea; to bring one's fishing haul to land 〔上・揚〕
  7. to enter into, and amuse oneself in the red light district 〔上・揚〕(「〈登楼〉る」とも当てる。, 0 hits)
  8. to increase (of price or income)〔上・騰〕
  9. to clearly stand out (of a favourable outcome)〔上・挙〕
  10. to float atop; to rise to the top of the water (of a corpse only)
  11. to arise vigorously (of voices or feelings); to well up (わきあがる)〔上・挙〕

- Daijr gives the general sense of "to stop falling (of snow or rain)" and says it's occasionally written as 霽る
- [22][v5r,vi][hon] is [vt] in shinsen
  to eat; to drink
- 騰がる is not unique enough to deserve it's own entry in my opinion, I think it can stay as [rK] and in the sense notes


How oukoku distinguishes the senses:

上がる is used to indicate movement to a higher position compared to before, as in expressions like "one's status rises" (地位が上がる), "prices go up" (物価が上がる), "leap up" (飛び上がる), or "be the first to finish in sugoroku" (すごろくで一番に上がる).

騰がる, originally referring to the act of a horse leaping or jumping up, is now used in contexts such as "prices rising" (値が騰がる).

挙がる conveys the meaning of being lifted to become clearly visible or being entirely brought forth, as in "a candidate's name being raised" (候補者の名前が挙がる) or "evidence being brought forward" (証拠が挙がる).

揚がる is used in the sense of being positioned high in the air or floating upwards, as in "a national flag being hoisted" (国旗が揚がる) or "tempura being fried" (天ぷらが揚がる).

Apologies, I was just going off a note there on 騰がる, should've checked further. I reverted the note.

Anyway this is quite the headache, I tried to compile a somewhat comprehensible overview, based on several dictionaries that had at least 3 of the four kanji forms. Of course this shouldn't be taken at face value since this entry is so large, but It should help in some way.

By the current grasp I have of this, I feel like 騰がる can stay as I said in the notes. But 挙がる and 揚がる could be split out with their unique senses, AND the senses that apply to one of these two and the main 上がる could be listed in both respective entries. E.g. "4. to raise or move a bodypart up high (e.g. one's fist in rage) 〔上・挙〕" would then be in both seperate entries.

Because it seems that there are also (somewhat many) senses that only apply to 上がる in multiple kokugos (which I didn't put into this overview for now).

Lastly: Merry Christmas!
@@ -78 +78 @@
-<s_inf>often 騰る in ref. to price</s_inf>
+<s_inf>occ. 騰る in ref. to price</s_inf>
22. A* 2024-12-24 07:34:24  Marcus Richert <...address hidden...>
値段が上がって	27456	99.7%
値段が騰がって	89	0.3%
"oft. 騰がる..." isn't correct.
21. A* 2024-12-24 00:35:59  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
20. A 2024-12-24 00:35:30  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
A fair question. This term is a horror, especially when it comes to handling things like senses 15, 16 and 17. Some JEs have separate entries for them.
I'll approve it and reopen for a while in case we want to consider alternatives.
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