3. |
A 2023-09-13 12:44:23 Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
Diff: |
@@ -5,0 +6,3 @@
+<reb>ダウン・トランス</reb> |
2. |
A* 2023-09-12 13:27:34 Brian Krznarich <...address hidden...>
Refs: |
Here's a nice definition that lists *only* this form. Doesn't even use the verb 降圧 to explain.
https://www.maesyou.com/glossary/ダウントランス(変圧器)/ |
Comments: |
xref to the full form, since [abbr] (even though this is most common). Do we need a ref back to the kanji form? Which? And from where... (here, or the nonabbreviated entry). an xref to トランス? |
Diff: |
@@ -8,0 +9 @@
+<xref type="see" seq="2858755">ステップダウントランス</xref> |
1. |
A* 2023-09-12 13:05:29 Brian Krznarich <...address hidden...>
Refs: |
逓降変圧器 0 0.0%
降圧変圧器 215 4.2%
降圧トランス 472 9.3% <--- new
ステップダウントランス 786 15.5% <--- new
ダウントランス 2806 55.2% <--- new |
Comments: |
This appears to now be the most common variant (especially on twitter, also common shopping...)
All in an effort to mark "逓降変圧器" as rare. There are some circular xrefs involved here. I will have to do some followup edits.
Note: this is not a purely technical term. This is what you need to buy to operate U.S. appliances on Japanese mains and vice verse. (This, or a step-up transformer, depending on direction) |