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A 2013-09-28 02:42:38 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...>
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"生活環境が造り出した独自文化。" |
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A* 2013-09-27 02:24:28 Marcus Richert
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apologies, the daij definitions were for 文化生活, not 生活文化.
(for which 新和英中辞典 has: "文化生活 a decent [civilized] life;
a reasonable standard of living") |
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A* 2013-09-20 11:42:42 Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
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I've read them several times, and I am no closer to really understanding it. Maybe "culture of everyday life" is OK.
FWIW KOD has "the culture of 「everyday [daily] life; culture rooted in 「everyday [daily] life." |
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A* 2013-09-20 07:28:41 Marcus Richert
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"文化的な生活用品を取り入れた合理的・機能的な生活。" |
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A* 2013-09-20 06:29:34 Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
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KOD追加語彙, Eijiro, Translators FB page |
Comments: |
Quite common term, but without a clean translation. I see things like "Life and Culture". Eijiro suggests "lifestyle". |