<entry id="1067552" stat="R" corpus="jmdict" type="jmdict">
<ent_corp type="jmdict">jmdict</ent_corp>
<gloss>list of the forms of kanji outside the jōyō kanji list (published in 2000)</gloss>
<audit time="2011-05-22 08:48:16" stat="A" unap="true">
<upd_name>Clément DAUMAIL</upd_name>
<upd_detl>As 簡易慣用字体 (technical term of the 表外漢字字体表) is in the dictionary, 表外漢字字体表 and 印刷標準字体 should be also in the dictionary.</upd_detl>
<audit time="2011-05-23 01:00:40" stat="A" unap="true">
<upd_name>Jim Breen</upd_name>
<upd_email>...address hidden...</upd_email>
<upd_detl>Perhaps since 簡易慣用字体 is an entry, this should be too.
I'm not sure that "forms of kanji" is an accurate or useful translation.</upd_detl>
<audit time="2011-05-23 03:01:51" stat="A" unap="true">
<upd_name>Clément DAUMAIL</upd_name>
<upd_detl>Thanks ! Do you have any suggestion to better translate 字体?
The actual definition of 字体 est not so obvious:
Also, any suggestion to translate 印刷標準字体?
(sorry my English is quite poor)</upd_detl>
<audit time="2011-05-24 03:08:37" stat="A" unap="true">
<upd_name>Rene Malenfant</upd_name>
<upd_email>...address hidden...</upd_email>
<upd_detl>we don't have entries for ~表 for any of those though (e.g., no entry for 簡易慣用字体表). and there's already an entry for 表外漢字. i don't think there necessarily needs to be an entry for this</upd_detl>
<audit time="2011-05-24 22:30:34" stat="R">
<upd_name>Jim Breen</upd_name>
<upd_email>...address hidden...</upd_email>