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jmdict 2844869 Active (id: 2296099)

借りる時の地蔵顔、済す時の閻魔顔;借りる時の地蔵顔、なす時の閻魔顔(sK);借りる時の地蔵顔なす時の閻魔顔(sK);借りる時の地蔵顔済す時の閻魔顔(sK) [かりるときのじぞうがお、なすときのえんまがお] /(exp) (See 地蔵,閻魔) (proverb) people look friendly when they ask for a loan but not so much when they repay it/when borrowing (the money), the face of the (bodhisattva) Kshitigarbha; when returning it, the face of the (hell king) Yama/EntL2844869/

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