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Re: [edict-jmdict] Kanjidic and Unihan on/kun readings comparison

Yes, the differences are many.

The Unicode people don't regard their collection as being particularly
comprehensive or accurate. In fact they have a project sort-of under
way to clean it up and to use kana for the Japanese readings, but I
haven't seen much activity there. It would help if they had a
comment/edit feedback mechanism.


On Mon, 5 Aug 2019 at 10:47, Ben Bullock benkasminbullock@********* [edict-jmdict] <edict-jmdict@***************> wrote:

I've been working on a kanji information page recently, and I noticed there were some differences between the Unihan reading information and the kanjidic reading information. I've put together a script for comparing:


and the output of the comparison is here:

The number of differences is overwhelmingly large, so I have no particular plan to proceed any further.

Jim Breen
Adjunct Snr Research Fellow, Japanese Studies Centre, Monash University
http://www.jimbreen.org/                                 http://nihongo.monash.edu/